Your Guide to the Needlestick Safety Act and Its Impact

by | Jul 25, 2024 | Suture Needle

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The danger of sharp objects in medical practice is common sense. However, many people did not realize just how dangerous needles and other small, sharp objects could be until recent history. As such, needles have caused injury and illness to many thousands of people throughout history.

Thankfully, the United States acted in 2000 to ensure specific standards were in place to prevent these injuries and reduce the risks of illness presented by sharp items like needles. This was known as the Needlestick Safety Act, and it continues to be important in the field of healthcare today.

Key Provisions of the Act

To better understand how the Needlestick Safety Act has positively impacted the healthcare industry, it is crucial to know what the act enforces.

  • Revision of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard. First, the act required OSHA to revise its Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to insist on stricter guidelines for the handling and use of needles and other sharps.
  • Involvement of frontline healthcare workers. The act also required that frontline healthcare workers—those working with patients—be involved in developing safe handling standards.
  • Sharps injury log. Employers must also keep a log of any “sharp” injury, helping to identify patterns and prevent future injuries.
  • Safer medical devices. The act also underscores the need for safer medical devices, such as needle traps and needleless systems, where possible.

How Does the Needlestick Safety Act Keep People Safe?

How does the act help keep patients and pros safer? It all comes down to better handling and use.

  • Reduced risk of injury. The act, first and foremost, is designed to reduce the risk of injury caused by needlestick injuries by promoting safer handling and use standards.
  • Enhanced awareness and training. Second, training and education for all medical staff are stressed to reduce risks.
  • Improved reporting and accountability. Better tracking of injuries and other incidents can increase accountability and improve outcomes.
  • Protection from bloodborne pathogens. Most of all, these actions and protections help to drastically reduce the risk of injury and bloodborne illness created by using needles and other sharp items.

Visit Sharp Fluidics today to learn more.

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