California real estate investors should learn concepts necessary to evaluate their prospects more fully. For instance, when buying homes through short sales, they should determine the condition of the property as well as its true value. A Real Estate Attorney in Irvine CA can help with this venture and prevent a potential loss.
Why You Need a Real Estate Attorney
In quick sale transactions, an attorney is a vital part of the process. Although these transactions occur primarily through public auction, some sellers choose this option to prevent a foreclosure. When this is the case, it is more likely that the buyer can access the property before buying. Attorneys in the real estate field are familiar with a network of advisers and property valuation services that can determine whether or not the investor is acquiring a fair sale.
The first objective of an attorney is to establish whether or not the seller is within his or her rights to offer the property for sale. For instance, if their lender has already filed a motion to foreclosure on the property, the borrower does not have direct access to the title or deed. This could limit their ability to sell the property unless the attorney can negotiate with the lender to cooperate. Furthermore, a lender cannot sell the property rightfully, if the borrower has filed for bankruptcy, which includes the mortgage loan.
During real estate transactions, the buyer and seller must navigate through proper channels to accomplish this goal. This implies that they have fulfilled their obligations in the transactions. For instance, all property buyers are required to purchase homeowner’s insurance. Sellers, on the other hand, are required to perform any repairs needed that were outlined in the inspector’s report.
Prospective buyers and investors should review their rights before entering into a sale’s contract. They are within their legal rights to allow their attorney to review this document before accepting it and the outlined terms. If you are ready to buy a property, you should consult a Real Estate Attorney in Irvine CA today or Visit for further instruction.