Why Get Colored Contact Lenses in Chicago?

by | Apr 5, 2016 | Optometrists

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Colored Contact Lenses in Chicago are available whether eyesight correction is needed or not. They can be used make any color of eyes brighter, change the color of the eye entirely, or add fun to a look with “Wild Side” choices. Prescription contact lenses are comfortable and versatile, with several options for length of wear. People can change lenses daily, for example, if they prefer a new pair every day. They can also get lenses that can be worn for a week, two weeks, a month, or only be changed every two months.

The choice depends on preference, lifestyle, and the condition of the eye. Those with dry eyes may not be comfortable sleeping in contact lenses, so choose lenses that come out at bedtime, and are replaced with a fresh pair in the morning. A busy professional may choose contact lenses that only have to be changed once a month. That saves time, effort, and is one less thing to pack for a last minute business trip. Contacts for sight correction are also available in bifocal lenses to accommodate clearer vision and be more convenient. An eye examination and a prescription e needed for corrective lenses

Those lenses that are just for fun, or to change eye color, may not need a prescription. An eye examination may be required to ensure the eye is healthy enough for Colored Contact Lenses in Chicago. Colored lenses allow people to change their eye color as often as they wish. Change the color to match an outfit, convey a mood, or add confidence. A change in eye color can make some people more confident, or boost their self-esteem. Colored lenses for fun include options such amethyst, honey, gray, cat lines, red eyes, zebra patterns, or even alien eyes.

Some manufacturers of contact lenses offer rebates, coupons, or a free trial pair. Most optometrist offices, like Business Name, for example, provide many choices of manufacturers so patients can find a brand they like, at pricing they can afford. Consider contact lenses to get out of glasses and show off those eyes instead of hiding them. Designer frames for glasses, prescription sunglasses, and fashion sunglasses are also available.

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