Why Do Duct Cleaners in Appleton, WI Prefer HEPA Filters?

by | Dec 28, 2018 | Home And Garden

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The best performing products are always the highest in demand. When vacuum cleaners were designed incorporating the HEPA filters, common people came to know of the high efficiency of these filters. Till then HEPA filters had been used only in gadgets used by military services. The costs of these products are considerably much higher than normal versions. However, professionals highly recommended these to customers and slowly the use of HEPA filters have become popular. Whether it is the vent covers in air conditioning pipelines or large-sized vacuum cleaning hoses, the high efficiency of HEPA filters makes it effective in all these systems.

So what exactly is the HEPA filter system all about? HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air that is defined as that type of air that contains particles that are 0.3 microns or lower in size. Filters that are HEPA rated are designed to trap such particles and filter the air flowing through them clean. In vacuum cleaners, HEPA filters are used to maximally clean the air by removing 99.9% of these particles in the air.

There has been increased demand of these filters in all types of air flow systems. Mainly, they are used in residential air conditioning systems as the air circulating through the house needs to be extremely hygienic. The use of HEPA filters in the air conditioning systems of houses and hospitals has helped reduce the symptoms of chronic respiratory diseases like asthma and allergen induced skin disorders. They have now become recognized by world health bodies as mandatory provisions.

Installing HEPA filters at all stages of the air flow system will mean clean air being circulated right from the source and getting put though to the ducts. This will result in cleaner duct conditions, making it easy to maintain a longer life for the air ducts. Therefore, most duct cleaners in Appleton, WI prefer the use of HEPA filters in air circulation systems and most branded manufacturers have started adopting the trend.

The high efficiency performance does make them slightly costlier. The long run however, they serve the best interests of the homeowners and therefore are highly recommended by duct cleaners in Appleton, WI. Wisconsin residents only need to keep this in mind that a clean air flow system is a guarantee to a healthier life. Therefore, you need to make sure that your air conditioning systems are fitted with filters that are HEPA rated and that maximally clean the air circulating in your house.

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