Hiring a contractor for a home remodeling project can be stressful enough without finding out that you have hired a scam artist and have lost your remodeling money. Here are some warning signs to watch out for when hiring a Pebble Beach Contractor.
The contractor having no work history can be the first red flag. While everyone has to start somewhere, it is highly doubtful that a newly certified contractor will have absolutely no work experience available to share with you. Most will have spent some time either as an employee or apprentice of another contractor and will be more than happy to supply you with the reference.
If you ask for information about the contractors credentials and state licensing is not something that is brought up, run the other direction! States require contractors to be licensed for many reasons, not the least of which being that their work, or lack there of, can result in serious injury and death to the residents of the home. Always ask for credentials and always insist that the contractor you hire is properly licensed by your state.
When you are interviewing potential contractors and you find one who is always late, or doesn’t show up to your appointments, you should stop making appointments with them. This type of behavior is a precursor to what you will have to deal with once they begin working on your home, and could change an exciting month long renovation into a six month long nightmare.
Finally, trust your gut when it comes to hiring someone to work on your home. If you are getting bad vibes from a contractor, you can’t seem to trust what the contractor is saying to you, or you just don’t like him for some reason, let him know. Most professional contractors will be thankful you could be honest and not waste their valuable time, instead of feeling upset because you hurt their feelings. Contractors understand what an investment you are making with them and want to feel comfortable with the working relationship between the two of you. A good Pebble Beach Contractor is both someone you find professional and someone you can have an honest conversation about your wants related to the remodel will be heard and acted on. Anything less is just a waste of your time and money.