Tankless vs. Conventional: Which Water Heater Type is Right for the Home?

by | Nov 3, 2016 | Air Conditioning & Heating

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When making a long-term investment for the home, every decision is significant. For instance, it can be tough to decide whether to get a tankless Water Heater or a conventional model. Below is an examination of the facts, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each option.

The Basics of Tankless Water Heaters

To understand tankless heaters, the customer must first learn about traditional units. In a conventional water heater, a large tank heats and stores the water. To provide hot water on demand, the tank must work to keep the water at a constant temperature; even when the hot water isn’t being used, energy is lost. A tankless system avoids the waste by heating incoming water as it’s needed, with a high-powered burner that quickly heats the water as it passes through the heat exchanger.


As mentioned earlier, tankless heaters use less energy than traditional systems. In some cases, they can reduce water heating expenses by up to 40%. A tankless water heater can be almost 35% more efficient than a traditional unit in low-use applications. Most of these heaters can provide up to three gallons of hot water per minute, and they are more compact than other models. A tankless water heater can last up to 20 years or more, which is almost double the lifespan of a conventional model.


Though they save energy and last longer, a tankless heater has a higher upfront cost. It is estimated that a typical model will cost up to $1150 for the unit, as compared to roughly $750 for a regular water heater. Additionally, the installation cost of a tankless unit is higher than that of a traditional water heater. Talk to an installer with Refrigeration, Heating & Cooling for help in choosing the right type of water heater for any home.

The Pros and Cons of Conventional Water Heaters

Traditional heaters are cheaper than tankless models, and they are less costly to replace when something goes wrong. Homeowners should consider the cost of the unit, energy costs and replacement expense when choosing the right type of water heater for the family. To maximize the usefulness of either type of system, regular maintenance is crucial. While tankless heaters work on an as-needed basis, a conventional Water Heater must work constantly. The hot water supply, however, is still limited by tank size.

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