Selecting Water Separator Systems

by | Feb 11, 2019 | Wastewater Products

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When it comes to separating water and oil, there are many different technologies in use. They can range from very simple and basic to many specifics for use in one industry or application.

The best oil water separator for any application is always the one that is designed to operate under the specific conditions of the job. Even the best type of system will not perform optimally if mismatched in an application or used in a way that it is not designed to be operated.

Parameters for Operation

There are several key considerations when selecting any type of oil water separator. These include the oil droplet size, the density of the oil, the quality that is required for the discharge water, the water temperature coming into the system, as well as the peak flow into the separator.

Temperature is a critical factor to consider, as are all the others. However, failing to consider the maximum possible temperature can result in problems with all other parameters. For example, a few degrees higher or lower is not typically an issue, but beyond a few degrees higher the water temperature impacts the droplet size as well as the ability of the oil to coalesce. As water temperature increases the droplet size decreases, allowing more oil to bypass the separation process. This can dramatically and negatively impact the quality of discharge water, a key factor in any application.

Simple Processes

In small to large applications, the streamlined and simplified oil water separator is typically the best option. These systems often use a specific design that creates a flow of the input oil water mix over a surface the causes the oil droplets to coalesce on the surface. The oil itself attracts more oil droplets suspended in the water, effectively pulling the oil out of the water.

Once the oil droplets on the coalescing surface reach a specific size, they simply float to the top and can be skimmed off using a traditional skimmer method. This is not only effective and efficient, but it is also very practical in a wide variety of applications.

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