While it is true that you can save a substantial amount of money by purchasing a used RV, there are many lemons out there. This does NOT mean that there aren’t some great deals to be found, but unless you are a VERY experienced RV owner, it is best advised that potential buyers get a professional inspection before purchase.
Buyer Beware
Whoever first coined this term was a very, very wise individual. If you do not buy an RV for sale in Olathe from a reputable dealer, the liability rests solely on your shoulders. Not all owners invest in maintenance to keep their RVs in good shape. If these routine updates are ignored, an RV needing repairs can come with a hefty price tag.
Another Option to Save on Pre-Owned RVs – Dealerships That Sell on Consignment
Purchasing an RV is one of the most significant investments a person can make. Not only is this a motor vehicle, but it is also a home. There is great comfort in buying an RV through a reputable dealership. Unlike a private seller, the company has a reputation to uphold and has a physical presence in the community. Depending on the make and model of the RV you buy, you may qualify for a warranty. In addition, many dealerships have their onsite repair shops.
A Clean Title
Another benefit of purchasing your RV from a dealership is that they will handle all the paperwork. Some stories exist about major purchases going sour because of improper (and sometimes illegal!) title work. Dealerships will take care of the necessary paperwork for a smooth transaction, including forms required by the state in which the vehicle is purchased.
So, if you see an ad saying, “RV for sale, Olathe, KS,” remember to have someone with extensive RV knowledge with you. The money you save may be a risk, but remember there are alternatives to buying from a private seller and going through a reputable dealership may be your perfect solution.
For more information, check out Liberty RV.