Far too many masonry structures are ignored until repair issues become cost prohibitive. That’s why the city fathers and restoration specialists always recommend property owners stay on top of repair issues. Masonry construction in Philadelphia, PA is designed to last, but that doesn’t mean proper maintenance and repairs won’t be needed occasionally.
Evaluate the Building’s Needs First
Never simply think a few minor repairs are all an older building needs. In too many instances, the minor visible issues result from other, more significant problems. Before any maintenance is completed for one of the city’s many masonry structures, it’s vitally important to understand the full scope of the repairs needed. For example, many older buildings in the city suffer from some degree of foundation damage. Any type of structural damage should be carefully repaired by area restoration professionals before pointing, and other similar repairs are attempted. Once the extent of damage is evaluated, it’s far easier to develop a strategy to fully restore the building’s masonry features.
Using the Appropriate Materials is Vitally Important
Older brick and, to some extent stone, need to be selected carefully when repairs are required. Today’s brick products are far different from those used in the past, and restoration experts are always quick to point out the importance of using appropriate materials during any renovation project. Many experts search the city for brick and stone from buildings being demolished to gather and save them for future projects. Since authentic restorations are important for retaining a building’s character, having access to the necessary replacement bricks and stones is always going to be important.
Heed the Experts’ Advice
Taking shortcuts during the renovation of a historic building is never a good idea. Renovation experts working with masonry construction in Philadelphia, PA understands the nuances of older buildings and don’t make recommendations without basis. That means it’s always worthwhile to carefully consider an expert’s advice during a renovation project. Yes, it may cost more to properly deal with a building’s issues, but the result will always be worth the investment.
For more information or to schedule an evaluation of a building’s restoration needs, go to the website. The company is locally owned and specialized in preserving the authenticity of the region’s masonry buildings.