Requirements For Adoption In Phoenix, AZ

by | Sep 18, 2013 | Health

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There are many children and dependent adults who are in the foster care system. These dependents need a safe and reliable place to call home. They need a place to receive love as well as all of their day to day necessities. While these children and dependent adults can get some of this from a foster home or child developmental home, what they need is a stable and loving environment in a forever home.

There are hundreds of families that want a child, but for whatever reason are unable to conceive. Another alternative for them is to adopt or become a foster parent. This enables the couple to still have the child they’ve always dreamed of.

Becoming a foster parent or adopting a child is not as hard as one may think. It really only requires dedication to complete the required training and the love of children. There are several legitimate places where you can complete an adoption in Phoenix AZ.

Before you can adopt, you must adhere to, and complete, all of these requirements:

You must be at least 21 years of age to file for foster care or to adopt a child.

Anyone can apply for adoption, but if you are co-habitating or married, both members must attend all classes in order to get certified for adoption in Phoenix AZ.

Anyone that lives in the home for more than 21 days a year and is over the age of 18 must complete a level one fingerprint card.

All applicants must complete a training course that is a minimum of 10 weeks in length.

Applicants may not rely on financial resources from the adoption or foster care agency. They must have their own reliable household income prior to applying to adopt or become a foster parent.

There are thousands of children in the United States that are in the foster care system. These children are between the ages of 0-17 and they all need a stable and loving home. Getting the process started is as easy as filling out a small application that requires information about you, your current residence and any background training you may possess.

To learn more about adoption In Phoenix, AZ

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