Today’s SSI disability attorneys are essentially the gatekeepers between a very important federal program and your ability to access life-sustaining income each month, but, regrettably, a huge percentage of Americans don’t understand exactly how these highly skilled legal advocates can help.
What Is the SSI Disability Program?
Commonly abbreviated as SSDI, the Social Security Disability Insurance program is an integral facet of the larger federal Social Security system. It delivers monthly disbursements of money to people that have sustained a sickness, injury, impairment, mutilation, or some other type of affliction that substantially hampers their ability to be gainfully employed.
As such, the SSI disability attorneys in Olympia specialize in helping individuals obtain rightful payments from the government after they become incapable of working.
What Are the Rules and Stipulations of Qualifying for SSDI?
It is highly advised to meet with an experienced panel of SSI disability attorneys if you are subjected to any of the following conditions and norms:
You have a medically diagnosable condition that will last for a minimum of 12 months and impede your work-related capabilities.
You meet the current Substantial Gainful Activity guidelines, which sets a limit on the monthly income that eligible SSDI candidates can receive before qualifying.
You must have been legally employed for a specified period of time prior to your impairment, but this prerequisite will vary based on your age.
This is the cut and dry summary of the qualification regulations, but they are far more intricate and complex when you peek behind the legal curtain.
How Can I Confirm Whether I Qualify?
According to the latest statistics put forth by SSI disability attorneys and watchdog groups, almost 69% of first time SSDI claims are rejected by governmental agencies, due in large part to improper filings and bureaucratic omissions.
To increase your odds of achieving success with your SSDI claim, it is highly recommended to link up with the helpful authorities at Kenneth N Gormly and utilize their comprehensive assistance with the SSDI process.