Preventive Outdoor Actions to Decrease the Need for Early Septic Tank Pumping in Findlay Ohio

by | Feb 15, 2019 | Business

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Numerous strategies can prevent overloading of a septic tank and drain field, as well as the need for early and emergency Septic Tank Pumping in Findlay Ohio. Some of those strategies can be completed inside and some outside. When people buy a rural residential property that already has the septic system installed, they can make plans for the design of the home so that system is treated with some tender loving care.

Diverting Rain Runoff

Outside, property owners will want to consider how roof runoff and gutter drain pipes would affect the system. Rainwater should be diverted away from the leach field so it doesn’t become overly flooded. The design is intended to handle heavy rain, but property owners should try to minimize any extra flooding.

Water Softener Recharging Drainage

For homes with water softeners, rural residents commonly send the recharging water to the sump pump well and then outside through the hose. Otherwise, the salt being flushed through the equipment could harm the friendly bacteria in the septic tank. The sump pump hose should send this water away from the septic system drain field, so location of the pump and hose is important.

Minimizing Root Interference and Soil Compaction

Trees cannot be planted on top of the system, including over the leach field. Vehicles should not be driven or parked over that field either, as the weight compacts the soil and disrupts the filtration process.

The First Pumping

The first Septic Tank Pumping in Findlay Ohio usually should be done after the residents have lived for one year in the new home. That way, the technicians can evaluate the usage and make any recommendations for changes in behavior. For instance, if they see tampons floating on the surface, they’ll advise the customer to keep feminine hygiene products out of the septic system.

After the first pumping, the typical recommendation is to have the system cleaned out every three to five years by a company such as Bluffton Aeration Services, depending on the size of the tank and how many people live in the home. Visit the website to learn more about this particular septic service company. You can also follow them on Twitter.

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