Practical Steps Residents of Gahanna Are Taking Now to Prevent Chronic Pain

by | Mar 1, 2024 | Pain Control Clinic

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Chronic pain can be the result of an injury, surgery, or health condition. Chronic pain is seen as a lifestyle disease similar to diabetes or cardiovascular disease. All share risk factors such as having a high BMI, a diet lacking nutrition, lack of activity, and smoking. Many who are dealing with chronic pain ask, what lifestyle adjustments can I make to prevent chronic pain?

First, be careful with what you eat. Diet can keep chronic pain under control and your body strong. When considering the question, what lifestyle adjustments can I make to prevent chronic pain, seek to avoid foods that have refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and other foods that can lead to inflammation. You should include things like vegetables, fruit, moderate proteins, healthy fats, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Minimize stress. Learn what triggers your stress, and then work to remove those triggers. Get good sleep. Sleep should be a priority. Include practicing deep breathing and mindfulness to get your body and mind prepared for sleep.

For some, in addition to lifestyle adjustments, surgical procedures like a hip replacement in Gahanna, OH have been key in helping them eliminate chronic pain. Of course, just getting a hip replacement in Gahanna, OH is not a magical cure. You will still need to practice lifestyle adjustments, including regular physical activity, a good diet, and sleep, to get the best pain reduction results from your procedure.

Learn more about dealing with chronic pain, and see how the team at QC Kinetix (Gahanna) is helping people by offering the most advanced orthopedics in Dublin, Ohio when you visit. View Testimonials.

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