Plumbing Versus Septic Tank: 2 Ways To Tell Where Your Problem Lies And Who To Call In Buckeye AZ For Help

by | Jan 17, 2020 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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Perhaps you are experiencing backflow and/or smelling nasty vomit-inducing odors around your home. Perhaps your toilets keep getting backed-up even though there isn’t a cause for it. You are probably thinking there could be a problem with your plumbing or your septic tank. Today, we will discuss 2 ways to find out if the problem lies in your septic tank or your plumbing service in Buckeye AZ.

Use a Drain Snake

Sometimes, backflow happens when drains are clogged. Different things can obstruct proper water flow whether it is your sink or your toilet. Use a drain snake or something similar to feel and dislodge any obstruction in your plumbing. If you find no obstruction, then the problem may lie in your septic tank. Your septic tank could be full and may need to be immediately serviced. Keep in mind that plumbing or drain clogs are typically local clogs where the problem lies in only one fixture. In contrast, a septic tank problem causes nearly all the drains or plumbing in the home to be affected.

Check for Lawn Odor

Another way to tell the difference between problems with your plumbing or problems with your septic tank is checking for odor in the yard or lawn. Foul odors that are emitting in the yard or lawn is a sign that you may have a septic tank problem. Odors that are coming from a particular drain inside the home may indicate a plumbing issue instead.

Honest and Reliable Experts

It may become overwhelming when problems continue to happen and you can’t find its source. Don’t worry, if you are looking for a septic or plumbing service in Buckeye, AZ, contact the experts at Septic Technologies Inc. The experienced, knowledgeable, and licensed professionals at Septic Technologies Inc. are honest and reliable.

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