How to Recognize the Triggers That Cause Your Child’s Seizures in NJ

by | Jul 26, 2021 | Health

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It may seem that your child has seizures for no particular reason. A seizure is a neurological condition that causes an uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain. You may experience temporary abnormalities in muscle tones and movements, and states of awareness.

Over time, you should learn what brings on your child’s seizures. Read on to find out how a neurologist in Freehold, NJ, can help you recognize the triggers.

Illness and Fever
A neurologist in Freehold, NJ, will diagnose a patient with epilepsy when having reoccurring seizures. Seizures can be caused by anything that injures the brain. Illness and fever are triggers that can cause your child to have an episode.

Humans experience stress through the release of chemicals in the brain and the nervous system. It helps you to survive and cope. When these chemicals are continuing to release in large amounts in a child’s brain, it can put them at risk for a seizure.

Low Blood Sugar
Your brain needs sugar to function properly. If your blood sugar levels drop, then it can bring on a seizure. If your child has epilepsy, then they should be under the care of a pediatric neurologist in NJ. A pediatric neurologist in NJ can help you and your child manage the symptoms.

Your doctor will classify the type of seizures your child is experiencing and the type of epilepsy. The next step is discussing treatment options and finding a treatment that works for your child. Contact Neurology Center at Neurology Center for Epilepsy and Seizures for an appointment today.

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