How to Prepare for Transgender Breast Augmentation

by | Mar 29, 2023 | Transgender Surgeons

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Many transgender women want to feel confident and comfortable in their skin. They can achieve this goal through transgender breast augmentation surgery. Before proceeding with the procedure, you should ensure that your environment supports your decision and have researched all available options.

A Supportive Environment

You deserve support from friends and family. Additionally, ensure that your surgeon can provide what you need. Finally, be sure that the procedure will be mentally manageable.

Don’t Rush

Do not rush into surgery. You must know that it’s the right time for you. If you’re interested in transgender women breast augmentation surgery, you must consider all your options before deciding. Rushing into something can lead to regret later down the road when better choices could have been available.

Research All Options

Before you begin any procedure, research all your options. You should ensure that you have a surgeon experienced in transgender surgery and comfortable with the procedure. Look for a surgeon with a good reputation and positive reviews from other patients who have had similar surgeries.

A Long Healing Period

You must understand that you will need to take it easy for a while after the surgery. You should not drive or lift heavy objects, and strenuous exercise and sexual activity should be avoided for at least six weeks. Painkillers such as ibuprofen will help with any discomfort that might occur.

If you’re considering transgender breast augmentation, visit The International Center for Transgender Care website.

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