How to Fight Felonious Gun Charges When You Live in Evansville

by | Mar 2, 2022 | Lawyers

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If you have been arrested for gun charges that have been classified as felony charges, there is no getting denying that you are facing a good bit of trouble. You will certainly need to hire Evansville felony charge lawyers to help you fight this legal battle.

Gathering Evidence

Let the truth be told, if you have been charged with a firearms crime, it will almost certainly breeze past the preliminary hearing phase. Gun charges are very serious and not something to be taken lightly. Gun charge lawyers will use this phase of the judicial process to gather as much evidence, mainly to see what leverage they can use to try and get the case thrown out if the search warrant protocols were not strictly followed.

Attack Credibility

While this method will not take place right at the beginning, during the pre-trial your lawyer may seek o attack the credibility of any witnesses or informants that the prosecution is seeking to have testified at the trial. Evansville felony charge lawyers know that everyone has skeletons in their closet that can be exploited when the time calls for it.

Constructive Possession

This is a clever legal theory that will most certainly be sued by your attorney. They will use this to argue against physical possession of the firearm. Gun charge lawyers have much experience with this tactic and will explain it to you before you go to trial.

If you are facing felonious gun charges, make sure to contact the Law Office of Jared Michel Thomas at their website.

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