Professional Georgia urology pride in the expertise to diagnose and treat various urinary tract issues. Consulting professional urologists may be your solution to treat various parts of your urinary tract to help restore their ideal functioning.
Expert Urology Services
If you’re suffering from bladder or kidney cancer, certified urology can can treat or help you manage the cancer. With their expertise, they can help you procreate by correcting infertility issues such as low testosterone or erectile dysfunction.
Use of Latest Technology
The use of the latest technology is vital in treating urinary tract issues. Licensed urologists have the expertise to leverage the use of technology to diagnose and manager various diseases. They have experience in popular procedures such as laparoscopy, inflatable penile prosthesis, and lithotripsy. In some cases cryosurgery, robotic or sling surgery may be needed to correct the damage. Also, holmium laser technology, urodynamics, aquablation and axonics therapy, or no-scalpel vasectomy maybe the solution for you urinary tract issues.
Personalized Care
Whether you’re looking for a medical treatment, lifestyle changes recommendation, choosing you ideal treatment plan, or finding the right prescriptions, certified urologists can help you. They will inquire about your medical or surgical history, your symptoms, and possible allergies to help come up with the diagnosis.
Identifying Symptoms
As a result, it is wise to consult an experienced urologist if you experience blood in the urine, kidney or bladder infections, or cancer of the adrenal glands, bladder or kidney. Also, urination problems, pelvic floor issues, or varicocele and cysts may require a professional diagnosis to find the solution.
Diagnostic Approach
Finally, based on your symptoms, Georgia urology can conduct a physical exam, blood tests and sometimes image scans in order to detect the underlying conditions. Later, they can curate an ideal treatment to treat or manage your conditions.