Getting Creative With Custom Engraving in Honolulu

by | Oct 26, 2016 | Office Products

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Engraving is a great way to customize all sorts of things. From engraving plaques for special occasions to adding a personal touch to jewelry, Custom Engraving in Honolulu makes a good thing better. Rather than sticking with the traditional messages that are used for these purposes, why not get creative with the engraving. Here are some ideas that will lead to coming up with an inscription that’s appropriate and a little out of the ordinary.

Special Words Only the Recipient Understands

Most couples have secrets they only share with one another. Even when they are at a party or out with friends, incorporating a certain word into the conversation is more than enough to cause the spouse or partner to know exactly what the other party is referring to.

When the plan is to engrave a piece of jewelry for a special occasion, why not make use of that secret word? While others will be scratching their heads and trying to figure out what it means, the recipient will be wearing a knowing smile.

How About a Catch Phrase?

Perhaps the recipient is fond of using a particular catch phrase when something exciting, funny, or exasperating happens. It’s almost a given the reaction will include uttering that phrase. When preparing any type of gift designed to honor a special event in that person’s life, think about including the catch phrase in the Custom Engraving in Honolulu. Everyone, including the recipient, will immediately get the joke and have a good laugh every time they think about the occasion.

Getting Serious

Another solution is to opt for an inscription that is of a more serious nature. Perhaps there is an excerpt from a poem or a favorite literary work that the recipient finds particularly inspiring. Assuming the object that is to be engraved is large enough, arrange to customize if with that excerpt. This approach works well as part of the inscription for engraving a silver platter for an anniversary or a similar occasion.

Once the idea for the inscription is settled, Contact us and provide the details. Rest assured the engraving will look great and be something the recipient will be proud to own.

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