Don’t Guess with Labor Employment Law in Northampton, MA

by | Jul 26, 2017 | Law

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If you need an attorney who will be dedicated to giving you the results that you need and deserve in the area of employee rights and employment law, there’s one thing you should do immediately: call.

It’s true that working conditions have improved significantly and the vast majority of companies abide by the rules and regulations because they want to and know that they should; however, there are always times when having skilled legal assistance is necessary.


Those four important letters stand for National Labor Relations Act, which outlines certain rights that workers have to join together to improve wages and working conditions. This is the core of labor employment law and it states that employees have the right to attempt to form a union, if none exists, or even to formally stop supporting a union that doesn’t have the support of the workers.

Employees may form or attempt to form a union in their workplace. They may also join a union even if the union isn’t recognized by the employer and assist that union in organizing fellow employees. Of course, workers also have the right to refuse to do any of these. If you feel that you have issues that require the help of a professional in labor employment law in Northampton, MA, you’d be wise to get in touch with that professional.

Protected Activities

In a related area, there are employee rights that are covered by this important legislation even when these workers are not represented by a union. Employees may engage in what is defined as “concerted activities.” This essentially means two or more employees may address the employer about pay improvement and they may discuss work-related issues such as safety concerns. If you have questions, visit

Don’t guess or assume when dealing with labor employment law issues. Talk with a legal professional.

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