In Arizona, pet owners must fulfill certain obligations to their neighbors and others who need to visit or enter their property. These obligations are based on compliance with federal safety and personal injury laws. Pet owners are required to provide a duty to these individuals to prevent them from sustaining injuries. The following are details about these cases that an adept dog bite lawyer in Phoenix AZ can address.
What Conditions Prevent the Dog Owner from Being Liable?
The victim must be guilty of a crime for the dog owner to avoid any liabilities for their injuries. These crimes include trespassing and home invasions. As long as the victim can prove that they were lawfully allowed to enter the property, the homeowner is liable for their injuries.
When Are Strict Liabilities Applied?
Strict liabilities are applied when the dog owner is aware of any previous attack history. If the dog was identified in other cases, the owner was aware of a violent temperament and knew there was a higher probability that the dog may attack again. A strict liability requires the owner to pay all expenses for the victim’s injuries and provide compensation for tort-based rulings.
Under What Conditions Are Quarantines Necessary?
The animal control officer can issue a quarantine order if the pet owner cannot provide proof of a vaccination record. They must comply with state and federal laws regarding rabies vaccinations. If the dog doesn’t have these vaccinations, the animal control officer can require a 12-day quarantine period to assess the dog’s behavior.
Is the Dog Owner Allowed to Keep Their Dog?
The animal control officer typically assesses the vet’s findings to determine if the dog is a risk to the public. If the dog does pose a risk, the officer can demand that the owner surrenders the animal to them.
In Arizona, pet owners must follow all laws related to public safety to lower the risk of an animal attack and personal injuries. They could be deemed liable for injuries if they fail to provide this duty. Victims can contact a dog bite lawyer in Phoenix AZ.