Crooked Teeth? A Dentist in Port Orange, FL Can Use the Invsalign Method to Help

by | Sep 19, 2013 | Dentistry

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Many dental patients are unhappy with the way that their teeth looks. They may have just resigned themselves to the thought that they will never have attractive teeth. This is unfortunate and they should discuss their concerns with their Dentist in Port Orange, FL. There are many cosmetic treatments that can help them. People who are now in their Twenties and Thirties grew up in families that couldn’t afford braces. Now that they are making their own money, they can speak with their dentist about options for straightening their teeth.

It may be intimidating for someone who works in a professional setting to think of wearing metal braces on their teeth. They imagine getting food stuck in them at important business lunches. They may be pleasantly surprised when they learn about the Invisalign method of straightening teeth. These are transparent aligners that fit over the teeth. They gently nudge teeth into their correct position. When they are in place very few people notice them. They are taken out to eat and for brushing.

Once they and their dentist agree that transparent aligners are the proper method to use, the dentist takes an impression of their upper and lower teeth. A technician transforms this information into digital form that computer software can evaluate. The computer then determines the proper location for the patient’s teeth. A series of aligners are made to gently move the teeth into place. It’s important for the patient to wear them as much as possible during the day. They must be taken out to eat and brush. It’s understandable that the person would want to take out their aligner before the get to the lunch table or go out on a dinner date. If the aligners aren’t worn for the proper amount of time each day, it will take much longer for them to work.

People will eventually start to notice the change in the person’s appearance. They may not exactly know what’s different, because they haven’t noticed the aligners at all. Once the teeth are in their correct position, the dental patient must wear a retainer or clear aligner for a year to 18 months to ensure that the teeth stay in their proper location.

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