Consult With and Retain Our Tampa Personal Injury Lawyers After Any Accident

by | Feb 20, 2020 | Law Firm

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Nearly all personal injury cases that are filed in Hillsborough County are based on the law of negligence. A person might be determined to be careless and negligent when he or she fails to act as and reasonably prudent person would act under the same or similar circumstances.

A person’s negligence can result in a wide variety of accidents. Personal injury in Tampa might involve any of the following types of cases that the Bulluck Law Group represents clients in:

  • Auto, truck and motorcycle crashes.
  • Bicycle and pedestrian accidents.
  • Accidents caused by dangerously defective products.
  • Medical malpractice
  • Wrongful death.

Beware of the Opposing Insurance Company

The insurance company on the other side of your case makes money by charging its policyholders premiums. Then, it invests those premium payments to make even more money. When a claim arise against one of its policyholders, it will try to devalue or deny the claim. That’s why if you try to represent yourself, that opposing insurer has you right where it wants you. It’s highly likely that you’ll walk away unhappy with just pennies on the dollar. Our objective is quite the opposite. We want to maximize any settlement or award that you might receive.

If you suffer a serious personal injury in Tampa, contact our offices to arrange for a free consultation and case evaluation. You can tell us what happened, how it happened and how it has affected you. We’ll be happy to answer your questions too. After that, we’ll advise you on all of your legal options.

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