Consult a DUI Law Attorney in Hailey, ID Early

by | Jan 16, 2018 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Once a driver gets arrest for driving under the influence, the legal process could move very quickly. Before a defendant knows it, they could be in front of a judge. The first appearance is usually brief and only consists of a defendant making a plea. This is when a person has the opportunity to request a public defender. Public defenders work for the courts on behalf of defendants. They tend to be very busy, and their cases often result in plea deals.

Benefits of Paying an Attorney

Low-income defendants may not have to pay a fee for a public defender. However, it may be in their best interest to consult a paid lawyer to talk about their case. A DUI Law Attorney in Hailey ID who focuses on this area of law may be much more knowledgeable than a public defender. Defendants may continue to use their public defender in court to save money but consult an attorney to get advice about their case.

Consequences of a Conviction

People who have been accused of driving under the influence could go to jail if they are convicted. Instead of relying on the busy public defender to spend the necessary amount of time on the case, a defendant who wants to avoid the consequences related to a conviction should at least consult an experienced DUI Law Attorney in Hailey ID before they go to trial.

DUI law is complex, and no one should go to trial without talking to someone with years of experience in that field of law. Whether a defendant hires an attorney only to consult with or to defend them at trial, most people who are accused of driving under the influence need more than a public defender to win their case. Public defenders tend to be skilled at negotiating deals with the state. However, because they don’t often go to trial, they tend to be less effective than paid lawyers.

A defendant who has been accused of driving drunk and has not yet been to trial should learn more about our firm and schedule a time to meet with an attorney to discuss the case.

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