If you are unable to pay your bills, facing foreclosure or repossession of your vehicle, you might have considered contacting Bankruptcy Lawyers in Waldorf, MD. Bankruptcy is a legal way to eliminate your debt, retain assets in certain situations, and get on the right path to financial freedom. Filing bankruptcy is more common than people realize.
Individuals do not normally advertise they filed for bankruptcy due to the stigma some think is attached to it. Individuals who have gone through a divorce might face a problem paying their bills when there is no longer two incomes in a home. When an individual, spouse or child has a large amount of medical bills, it might be impossible to pay them and bankruptcy can eliminate them.
Visiting An Attorney
When an individual visits an attorney to discuss filing bankruptcy, they should take deeds to the property they own and six months of paystubs. Also, they should take their bank statements and tax returns for the two or three years for the attorney to review. These documents will give the attorney a better picture of an individual’s financial situation.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
If an individual received a foreclosure notice, they should contact is as quickly as possible. Mortgage repayment programs can stop the foreclosure process. An individual will have to attend a credit-counseling program within 180 days before filing bankruptcy.
A debtor education course will also have to be completed before the debts can be discharged. Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a repayment program for three to five years before it will be discharged. The repayment program is for an number that is much less than an individual currently pays.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
If an individual has a lot of unsecured debt like credit cards and a limited number of income, Chapter 7 would be the best choice. Bankruptcy Lawyers Waldorf MD can evaluate the amount of income and the amount of bills to see if an individual qualifies. Please feel free to visit else if you are considering bankruptcy.
The best way to save a home from foreclosure, eliminate credit card debt, lawsuits and garnishments is by filing bankruptcy. For more information, please Visit website.