Divorcing parents have bigger issues than which spouse is going to keep the family home or how the 401(k) accounts are going to be divided. Those are matters the court can decide if the couple doesn’t reach an agreement themselves. However, leaving a parenting plan up to a family court judge could result in everyone’s life being disrupted more than it was when the parents separated. There is no standard for parenting in today’s world. Parents and children participate in multiple activities, making the every-other-weekend and alternating Wednesday visitation schedule impracticable.
Options for Parents
Parents can make virtually any plan that works for them and present it to the court. The most important thing is for parents to work together. They have to sit down and go over their schedules, as well as their children’s schedules, to determine which of them will be responsible for the children at which time. All of the kids’ time needs to be accounted for whether they are supervised by a daycare center, coach or a relative. Some parents have come up with very creative solutions to this child custody law in Frederick dilemma, renting homes to share with the children or even continuing to live in the same home after the divorce.
Amending a Custody Order
The agreement parents make during their divorce may not be feasible years later. As children get older and parents move or remarry, the agreement may need to be modified under child custody law in Frederick. When parents can’t agree to modified terms, they may each need to get a lawyer to represent them in court. Family courts make decisions about custody modifications all the time. An attorney who specializes in family law can help a person navigate the court process so they can create a positive outcome for their children.
Family courts and parents have the same goal: the best interests of the children. Any parent having a hard time making a parenting plan with their ex-spouse should browse our website and get in touch with an attorney who may be able to help. Communication is crucial in these matters, and legal guidance could make respectfully communicating with an ex-spouse easier.