As a person who teaches yoga for children, you feel that you need to be ready for whatever challenges present themselves. However, it’s important to realize that teaching yoga to preschoolers is not the same as teaching yoga to adults or even to older children. So, the question remains can you teach preschoolers yoga? The answer is yes! Read on below for some ideas on how to get the job done.
A Lesson Plan
A lesson plan is just that, a plan. While they are a good point of reference, they aren’t always going to work when it comes to teaching yoga for children, especially preschoolers. It’s a good idea to bring your lesson plan along with you, just to remind yourself of what you want to accomplish in the lesson for that day. However, it’s important to remember that preschooler’s have a short attention span and you may need to adjust according to the mood of the day.
Be Prepared for Any and Everything
These are preschoolers and though it is yoga for children, they are still in essence babies. They may be laughing one minute and crying the next. You need to prepare yourself for any and everything and learn to go with the flow. As a teacher of yoga, you need to be able to adjust and change with the tide. With the preschool age group especially, things can change from one moment to the next. Make sure that you are prepared.
These are just a few of the tips you should follow when you are a preschool yoga teacher. Remember, preschoolers can be unpredictable, but they are a joy to teach. For more information on teaching yoga for children, contact the professionals at Kidding Around Yoga for help and answers to your questions.