When you go away to college for the first time, you’ll take every chance you get to save money on tuition. Student apartments come with their own set of bills, but they also have advantages for students who are living on a budget. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to save money on tuition fees.
How Can Student Apartments Help You Save Money on Tuition?
To entice new residents, most student apartments offer giveaways throughout the year. Some giveaways feature prizes like electronics, appliances or free food. However, some student apartments give you the chance to win free tuition.
If you’re interested, follow student apartments for rent near University of Florida on social media. Typically, you’ll have to tour the apartments to be entered in their giveaway. Taking a tour is 100% free no financial obligation required. You’ll be automatically entered in a drawing to win the big prize.
And even if you don’t win free tuition, student apartments frequently have financial incentives for new tenants. You might be able to score discounted rates on your monthly rent or waived application fees. Talk to a staff member to see what kind of discounts they have available for potential residents.
For more information on student apartments for rent near University of Florida, contact Alight Gainesville. You can visit their social media pages to see their current deals and offers for new residents. This is also the perfect opportunity to learn about the amenities that student apartments have to offer.