Are There Any Health Benefits to Eating Cherry Pie in Bothell, WA?

by | Oct 16, 2018 | Business

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While eating more pie doesn’t usually top the charts of most nutritionists’ suggestions for eating healthy, there is some evidence that it might not be as bad for consumers as they might think. Cherries, especially the dark, sour cherries used in most pies, are known to lower cholesterol levels, help stave off heart disease, and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. When consumed in healthy quantities, cherry pie in Bothell WA may be able to confer some of the same benefits.

This is especially good news for those who like to consume cannabis edibles, whether for their positive health effects or recreational purposes. Read on to find out more about the health benefits and risks of some of the key ingredients of a cannabis-infused cherry pie.

Medicinal Use of Cherries

Cherries have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to counteract stomach problems and pain. It was once believed to prevent kidney stones as well, though this use has yet to be proven by modern science. What modern science has shown, however, is that in addition to the health benefits noted above, cherries also offer relief from arthritis pain and aid in regulating natural sleep cycles.

Vitamins and Minerals

Cherries are high in several key vitamins and minerals. These include manganese, phosphorus, and copper. While manganese and phosphorus aid in the formation of strong bones, copper helps consumers form red blood cells.

There are also many beneficial vitamins found in cherries, including folate, vitamin B-6, vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Both folate and B vitamins prevent the development of anemia. Vitamin A is primarily beneficial to consumers’ eye health, while vitamin E supports overall immune function and vitamin K aids in blood clotting.

Fat, Sodium, and Carbohydrates

While there are many beneficial nutrients found in cherries, it’s important to note that cherry pie in Bothell WA should still be consumed in moderation, especially if it is cannabis-infused. Pies, in general, do tend to contain high amounts of sodium, sugar, and some saturated fat. That doesn’t mean they should be avoided entirely, but they should only be consumed in small quantities.

Where to Buy Cannabis-Infused Pies

Want to find out more about cannabis-infused pies and other edibles? Learn more about us online today to get started today.

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