If you feel that you have been a victim of workplace discrimination, you first have to understand the definitions of discrimination, harassment, or bullying. Discrimination takes place when a person receives poor treatment based on a characteristic protected by the law.
Do You Feel That You Are Not Being Treated Fairly as an Employee?
A person who suffers from discrimination should speak to an employment law lawyer in Springfield, MA if he or she have been discriminated against because of his or her religion, age, gender, or race. You should also see a lawyer if you are pregnant and believe that your condition was treated as permanent.
Have You Suffered From Harassment?
You should also obtain advice and help from an employment law lawyer if you have been harassed. Harassment is different than discrimination as the employer is singling out the victim. This type of behavior takes the form of intimidation, threats, or humiliating comments or behaviors.
Bullying in the Workplace
When a person is bullied, he or she is repeatedly treated with force or cruelty, which can affect the victim physically and mentally. While you should see an employment law lawyer about any of the above-mentioned circumstances, you need to define discrimination to file a discrimination claim.
How Discrimination Can Affect You at Work
Some effects of discrimination include the denial of compensation or benefits or the denial of maternity leave or retirement packages. Termination can result from discrimination as can a loss of hours or the switch to an undesirable shift.
Who to Contact Online About Workplace Discrimination
As you can see, any form of discrimination can lead to inequality and tension for employees. If you feel that you have suffered from discrimination, contact a law firm about your situation now. Go online and review the services featured by visit us website now. The sooner you resolve this type of complaint, the better. Getting treated unfairly at work can increase stress and negatively affect your home life. Make that sure you know your rights. Speak to an attorney now.