Tired of Dingy Teeth? Make a Teeth Bleaching Appointment on Long Island

by | Jul 4, 2013 | Dental Health

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Americans are obsessed with the quality of their smile and there’s good reason for that. Potential employers and social contacts judge people by their appearance. Attractive and bright teeth are expected of everyone these days. It’s not just enough that a person’s mouth be healthy, but others expect perfectly shaped teeth that are brilliantly white. Luckily for most people  Teeth Bleaching Long Island  appointments can make that happen easily.

Some people may have heard that the chemicals used to bleach or whiten teeth are very powerful and can hurt, if people have sensitive teeth. Dentists have access to powerful whitening products that combine chemicals and lasers. They can adjust the settings to ensure the comfort of patients. People with less enamel or more porous teeth will be expose to less intensity. While patients can experience teeth up to eight shade whiter, the degree of whitening will depend upon the amount of treatment that the teeth can handle.

There are actually kits that doctors can give their patients to take home that both bleach teeth and protect enamel. These products use Amorphous Calcium Phosphate to create a coating over the teeth. These make the teeth less porous, acid-resistant and shinier. They can also whiten teeth or maintain the professional bleaching they received in the dentist’s office. The patient has to wear the trays while they sleep for one to two weeks. Some people prefer spending an hour to 90 minutes in the dentist’s office for their bleaching.

It is always good to whiten teeth under the guidance of a dentist, whether the patient chooses the dental office or the at-home whitening kit. These processes use powerful chemicals that can irritate a person’s mouth. Sometimes patients get impatient with the at-home kits. They wear the trays longer than they should or add a daily treatment. This can cause problems with their mouths. When they use the products under a dentist’s guidance they will understand clearly the importance of using them as instructed. A little patience will result in bright white teeth that anyone would be proud of. Using the right bleaching process will also result in healthier teeth.

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