Have You Contacted an Auto Accident Lawyer in Inland Empire?

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Personal Injury Lawyers

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Have you recently been involved in an auto accident that was not your fault? Have you lost wages as a result of the mishap and had to spend a good deal in medical costs? If so, you should not delay in contacting an attorney about your situation. You are entitled to a settlement if you have suffered from an accident that was due to the negligence of another party.

Making a Case for Yourself

When you are seeking advice from an auto accident lawyer in Inland Empire, you will need to be prepared to show proof of your claim. Not only should you gather medical and treatment information but you should collect any other evidentiary details such as a police report, eyewitness accounts, or proof that you have not been able to work.

Talk to an Attorney

However, a picturesque drive can suddenly turn into a catastrophe even when you are a careful driver. That is why you need to rely on help from an auto accident attorney. He or she can ensure that you are rightfully compensated. He or she can also give you further details about your obligations in this respect.

For example, car accidents must be reported to the police if they involve either of the following:

• Accidents that result in personal injury or death must be reported immediately to the local authorities.

• Accidents that amount to $500 or more in property damages must be reported to the police.

Therefore, time is of the essence if you have been injured in a car accident. To start the process, contact an experienced law firm such as the Law Office of Joseph Richards, P.C. Personal Injury Lawyer. Take time to explain your situation so you can obtain representation and recover the damages that you are rightfully owed.

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