Having orthopedic issues? Seasoned specialists make all the difference!

by | Aug 5, 2024 | Pain Control Clinic

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Orthopedics is a medical science that deals with issues of the human musculoskeletal system. The body is a complicated, and often inter-connected series of bones, nerves, muscles and tissue that takes a great deal of training and experience to understand. And when you have bone or muscle problems, it takes seasoned Orthopedic doctors in Louisville, KY to help diagnose and treat the issues.

The musculoskeletal system’s inter-dependencies make it a very complex system to diagnose, especially in serious injuries. That’s why, physicians specializing in Orthopedics spend almost 14 years to qualify in their fields. It takes a lot of studying, writing exams, and qualifying through residency programs in order to be able to care for patients with orthopedic needs.

While even novice Orthopedic doctors in Louisville, KY may be able to diagnose and recommend treatments for common aches and pains, it is unwise to seek treatment at any Ortho facility that has less than 5 – preferably more – years of being in existence. Each slip, fall or break is unique, but less experienced doctors might be tempted to treat them the same, which could potentially hinder or extend your recovery process.

The most pressing case for trusting only a seasoned specialist for your Orthopedic issues is the chances of being miss-diagnosed by a novice doctor. Pains in your hip do not necessarily mean you have a problem in your hip. The complex nature of our musculoskeletal systems might mean that the root cause lies elsewhere – in the spinal cord, for instance. However, lack of knowledge or experience could prompt some doctors to start you on a course of treatment that may aggravate your condition in the long run.

When selecting Orthopedic doctors in Louisville, KY to treat your problems, make sure your doctor is able to perform complex treatments such as Nail Bed Repair and Reconstruction, Osteotomy/Bone Realignment, Radio Frequency therapy, Ligament Reconstruction, Nerve Ablation and Epidural Injections. Techniques such as these are mastered after many years of experience, and are not likely to be offered by less experienced doctors.

With experienced Orthopedic doctors in Louisville, KY, you also get the advantage of choices for treatment of your issues. When faced with a nagging knee or hip problem, a full joint replacement might be the very first thing a less experienced surgeon might recommend. However, more experienced doctors are likely to also propose other less intrusive options such as uni-compartmental surgery for the knee, osteotomy, hip resurfacing or arthrodesis (fusion).

As an alternate to major surgery, seasoned orthopedic practitioners may also recommend Minimally Invasive Surgery (MIS), a technique that causes less trauma to the patient, in terms of injury to surrounding tissue and bone, while achieving many of the objectives of a full joint replacement procedure.

Don’t trust your body to the care of inexperienced professionals. The experienced Orthopedic doctors in Louisville KY, at QC Kinetix (Springs Medical) will give you the most effective care possible! View Testimonials.

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