Understanding Point-of-Care Testing Troponin

by | Apr 6, 2023 | Health Care

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The modern diagnostic tool that provides rapid results and helps in quicker decision-making in emergency settings is known as point-of-care testing troponin. It is a state-of-the-art technology that helps clinicians accurately diagnose cardiac diseases at the bedside. It is a highly sensitive and specific test that increases patient care without any compromise in quality.

Troponin Test

Troponin is a protein that is found only in heart muscles. When the heart muscle is injured, troponin is released into the bloodstream. Higher levels of troponin in the blood indicate a higher chance of a heart attack. Traditionally, troponin levels were ordered from central lab results, which took almost a day for the results.

Now with the POCT Troponin tests by Response Biomedical Corporation, clinicians can get results in minutes, which can be a life-changing situation for patients in emergency departments.

Advantages of POCT Troponin Testing

POCT Troponin testing has several advantages over traditional testing. The most significant advantage is the time reduction. Quicker results enable doctors to make faster and more accurate diagnoses, making it possible to provide lifesaving medical interventions faster.

POCT Troponin testing also helps in reducing patients’ length of stay in hospitals, which in turn reduces healthcare costs. Besides, POCT Troponin tests are more specific and sensitive than traditional testing, making the test results more accurate.

How Does POCT Troponin Work?

Point-of-care testing Troponintests work based on the same principle as traditional laboratory testing. The only difference is the specimen collection and its analysis. In the case of POCT Troponin tests, small blood samples are drawn from the patient’s fingertip or the earlobe.

These samples are then put into a card reader that reads the results immediately. Since the instrument is portable and easy to use, it enables quick and reliable testing results in emergency settings.


Despite its multiple advantages, POCT Troponin testing has limitations. The test is 20% less sensitive at lower troponin levels than traditional laboratory-based tests. Hence, it is not an ideal test for patients with lower levels of troponin and may lead to inaccurate results. The cost of POCT Troponin tests is also higher than the traditional laboratory-based tests.

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