When seeking a new church home, it’s not just your spiritual needs that must be taken into account. There’s the matter of how your children will benefit from being part of that community. Here are three essential elements that should be present if the children’s ministry in Jacksonville is to provide the support that your kids need.
The combination of Sunday School and other programs must bring the basics of Christian faith and practice into sharp focus for their kids. It’s not just hearing parables and talking about them; it’s also about seeing Christian values lived in the congregation and the wider community. When the ministry program is providing examples to the kids, the lessons are likely to remain with them throughout their lives.
Any ministry that encourages children to ask questions is a good one. Doing so helps children to feel they can turn to others in their faith community and learn from them. It can also help reinforce their understanding of Christian values when they have a safe place to explore their growing faith.
Last, you want your kids to be involved in a children’s ministry in Jacksonville that values what they have to offer. If the children have opportunities to actively participate in worship, sometimes even taking the lead in singing, offering devotionals, praying, and otherwise participating in worship services, they are prepared to do so when they are adults.
Remember that a church that values and nurtures children helps to build on what you’re teaching the kids at home. Together, it’s possible to provide them with what they need to be faithful stewards their entire lives.
For more information, please contact Southpoint Community Church today.