When someone passes away they will have an estate; unless they have an established a trust, or unless they have little to no assets. This estate could consist mainly of debts, but it could also consist of assets such as a home, car, investments, and the list goes on and on. For most estates, especially those that are tied up in a trust, the probate process is what will await a person’s estate after they had passed away. This is where the estate is valued by the courts, tax obligations and debts are paid, and after this process, a person’s last will and testament can be enacted.
A Comprehensive Estate Plan
The problem is that the probate can be quite complicated and lengthy, not to mention, in some cases, quite expensive. In addition to all of this, the executor of a person’s estate will be the one that will have to deal with the probate process. Unfortunately, most executors are family members or spouses, and these people may not have the legal experience necessary to tactfully navigate the probate process. That’s why when a person plans their estate, especially when they plan their affairs after they have passed away, including the services of a probate attorney in Chicago, is the sign of a comprehensive estate plan.
The Role of a Probate Attorney Plays
These attorneys can be extremely helpful in assisting the executor of an estate through the probate process. They will be their guiding force in order to understand the complexities of probate, understanding what the courts will require from the estate executor and, in many cases, they can do a lot of work, if not most of the work for the executor. In some cases, a person may actually name a probate attorney the executor of their estate. If a family member or spouse are chosen as executors, the services of a probate attorney in Chicago are vital in these instances.
If you are preparing your estate, maybe you’re ill with a bad prognosis, or perhaps you want to make sure that everything is prepared should the unexpected happened, making sure the executor of your estate has legal representation is crucial. That’s why you may want to take some time to check out the law firm of Starr, Bejgiert, Zink & Rowells and find out about their probate services. Like us on Facebook.