Effective Tips on Dealing WIth Heat Pump Repair Issues

by | May 9, 2017 | HVAC Contractor

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A home’s HVAC unit has a variety of parts. Among the most important parts of this system is the heat pump. Without a functional heat pump, it will be nearly impossible to keep a home’s interior at a comfortable temperature. Just like any other part of a home, eventually, a heat pump will have repair issues that need to be addressed. Dealing with heat pump repair can be a lot easier when getting help from professionals. When first noticing heat pump repair in Jacksonville, a homeowner will need to do the following things.

Check the Breaker

If a heat pump is simply not coming on, the first thing you need to check is the breaker. In some instances, the breaker will trip because the circuit has been overloaded. If the breaker is constantly tripping, then a homeowner will need to call in a professional to take a look. The longer this type of problem is allowed to linger, the more danger you will be putting your home in. Professionals will be able to replace the defective breaker and get this type of heat pump repair in Jacksonville situation handled in a hurry.

The Heat Pump Blower Won’t Work

Another common heat pump repair problem you may face is a broken blower. Once the heat pump in your home produces hot air, it will need the power of the blower to transport it throughout the house. If the blower is not coming on, the main thing you need to check is the thermostat.

Checking the thermostat will allow you to see if it is set at the right temperature. If the thermostat is set to the proper temperature and the blower is not coming on, it may be caused by a bad thermostat. Allowing a professional to come in and troubleshoot this problem is the best way to get the repairs needed.

The team at Business Name will be able to help you address your heat pump repair issues. Call them at 000-000-0000 for more information on the services they can provide.

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