3 Important Steps to Take After a Tampa Bicycle Accident Takes Place

by | Jan 11, 2020 | Personal injury attorney

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Bicycles are great ways for people to travel that are also good for the environment. You might ride a bicycle to stay in shape, save money or both. While riding a bicycle, make sure you’re always aware of other drivers. If not, you might find yourself involved in a bicycle accident. Here are three important steps to take after a bicycle accident takes place.

Notify the Police

There are several reasons why you’ll want to call the police after a bicycle accident takes place. Having the police arrive helps ensure an authoritative and neutral third-party is there to document the situation. Having someone document this situation is beneficial should the other party try to deny involvement in the future.

Obtain the Other Driver’s Information

It’s also important to make you obtain information from the other party. At the very least, get their name, address, and contact information for their insurance company. You’ll want this information to ensure that the other party’s insurance provider knows about this recent accident. This is also helpful for you to obtain the damages you deserve.

Contact a Bicycle Accident Attorney

After you’re able to leave the scene of this accident, contact a bicycle accident attorney in Tampa, FL. This allows you to have a legal professional on your side, helping you to navigate this stressful situation. Also, attorneys often handle communication between clients and other parties. For your best possible chance at receiving a favorable courtroom outcome, find a bicycle accident attorney in Tampa, FL, right away.

For more information visit us at Law Office of Dan Zohar, PA.

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