A line of credit has more favorable options than a traditional loan for your small business. Those terms can be even more favorable if you take the time to look for the best small business line of credit in your community. A line of credit allows you to access money up to your limit whenever you need the extra funds.
Pay Interest on the Amount You Borrow
Even though your business might qualify for a $40,000 line of credit, you don’t have to use that full amount. If you only need $20,000 to remodel your store or buy new equipment, you can withdraw that exact amount. When it comes time to repay the money, you will only pay interest on the $20,000 you borrowed.
Getting Money is Fast and Easy
Using your line of credit doesn’t require a long application process once you have been approved. This means you can get money fast in an emergency. Your access to the money is even faster today since online processing allows small business owners to borrow money quickly and transfer the funds electronically.
You Can Qualify for an Unsecured Line of Credit
Unlike the best small business line of credit accounts, small business loans are secured. This means the lender can seize your business’ assets if you default on the loan. However, an unsecured line of credit doesn’t allow a lender to seize assets. Instead, defaulting on your line of credit will only result in an increase in your rate of interest. This means you won’t risk losing your business as a result of a financial setback.
You can learn about the specific details of opening a line of credit for your small business by talking to your lender.